Note: This review is spoiler free (spoilers are all marked and have warnings)!
Book: Aurora Rising Author: Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff Genre: Sci-Fi Age: For readers 14 and up Rating: 3/5 Stars The more I think about this book, the more I hate it. The romance sucks, the characters are not great and the plot is forgettable. Seriously. It’s only been two months since I read this book and I already forgot 90% of it’s plot. Good thing I made notes while reading or this review would have been a big, fat blank page 😬 What I didn’t like:
3. It’s confusing: There were parts of this book where I went “What. Just. Happened.” not because I was shocked or a plot twist happened but because I genuinely couldn’t comprehend what was written on the page. Idk if I’m just dumb or if the pacing went wayyyyyy too fast in the action parts, giving no time for the reader to comprehend what happened. SPOILERS UNDERLINED: I don’t get what happened when Aurora saw Rahamm's existence and then there was a mental war between Cat and Auri? And what were those memory demonstration scenes? 4 . Unrealistic: If these are the academy’s last picks for the draft, why is Zila so smart? She should have been picked wayyy before. Realistically this situation doesn’t make any sense because we’re supposed to believe this team is the last ranked in the school (except for Tyler). But it’s the opposite and everyone on the team is apparently a prodigy. 🤨 The tagline for this book is: “They’re not the heroes we deserve. They’re just the ones we could find.” But everyone in this book is amazing at what they do, super smart, super pretty, etc. 5. Kal: Ugh I hate this character. Not only because he was super pushy in his relationship with Aurora but because he is boring and I just don’t get his purpose in this book other than to be the romantic interest. What I liked: Nothing. Ok fine, I did like some things but I completely forgot what I liked. This book was just not memorable in the slightest. Maybe the second book is more likeable. Someone will have to tell me if Aurora Burning is better because I for sure, am not reading the second book to find out for myself. I guess the book was entertaining at times but mostly it just frustrated me. But hey, I’m in the minority here since most people loved this book. Don’t let me stop you from reading this but keep in mind that it might be a huge letdown.